Kreativ Blogger Award!

Thanks so much to Re-Creations Project for thinking enough of my blog to pass on the Kreative Blogger Award to me! I am honored indeed. If you haven’t checked out the Re-Creations Project, you really should! Stacey and Jacqui craft as a way to help folks with learning disabilities. How awesome is that?!

So here are the guidelines for the Kreativ Blogger Award:

  •   I thank the person who nominated me and link back to their blog
  •  I tell you 7 things about myself that you wouldn’t already know
  •   I pass the award on to 7 bloggers that I think are pretty awesome.

About me:

  1. My favorite color is any color other than black. I just can’t pick one. I love all colors and go through these weird color scheme phases in my home and wardrobe.
  2. I love to garden but hate dirt under my fingernails. I have to wear rubber gardening gloves and if dirt happens to make its way under my nails in the process, I have to stop what I’m doing and go wash my hands and remove the invading dirt wad.
  3. I anxiously await flip-flop weather every year and own a great number of flip flops. I used to be a bare foot teenager, then became an anxious mother (put on some shoes, you don’t want to step on a rock!) and now I have met myself in the middle.
  4. I love meeting new people. I find them fascinating. I love to hear all about their lives and watch them as they tell stories about their life experiences. Along the same lines, my husband and I are avid people watchers and will often go to the local amusement park, get an ice cream cone and sit on a bench, making up life stories about the passers by.
  5. I love Burt’s Bees original lip balm, but am totally torn about the fact that it does not have any sunscreen in it. So I alternate between Burt’s Bees and Blistex.
  6. Two years ago, I was involved in a horseshoe accident. I still have the battle scar to prove it. True story. My friends still make fun of me and have purchased plastic horseshoe sets to keep me safe.
  7. I am frightened to death that my mother is turning 70 this year. In my eyes, 70 is officially old. She doesn’t take the best care of herself and I am petrified of losing her.

Now, on to some of the blogs that I have secretly stalked and/or follow and/or just think are worth this awesome award:

  1. Lightly Crunchy ~ I look forward to her posts daily. She has such a great outlook on life and shares some of the best homemade concoctions and ideas!
  2. Oldentime’s Blog ~ She shares her photos and her life through photos.
  3. Chic Envelopments ~ Food, fashion, crafting…you name it, she’s up to it!
  4. Clayzmama ~ A varied blog that covers a wide range of topics with humor and faith.
  5. Thoughts of a Personal Chef ~ A wonderful blog about what else…food!
  6. Our Lady of Second Helpings ~ A journey toward a healthier body, mind and spirit.
  7. The Making of a Chef ~ Join Steffani, a budding chef, as she follows her calling.

Thank you again Re-Creations Project for this honor! Now I have to go and find some creativity for the day…I have an award to live up to! 🙂 Enjoy the day folks…it’s the only today you have!

About finefrugality

I am a wife, mother, business owner, farmer, foster parent, retired probation officer and so much more. :-) I love to save money any way I can. I just don’t see the sense in handing my cash over to someone else when I don’t have to. I coupon, I grow and can food, I reuse and repurpose items, I scour thrift stores and during the warmer months, my Saturday mornings consist of yard sales and our local farmer’s market with my husband. I have organized local meetings which include coupon swaps, barter clubs and swap meets. Here is where I begin to share this life with the rest of the world. This is Fine Frugality. Because being frugal is not only fine. It is FINE.
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3 Responses to Kreativ Blogger Award!

  1. Pingback: My first blogging award! Thank you! « Oldentimes's Blog

  2. Thankyou and I loved reading more about you. I’ll have fun reading up on your other links. This weekend I’ll sit down and take the time to come up with some answers of my own.

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