Carpet Fresh – ER

Ok, we all know that product that you sprinkle on your carpets and then vacuum up to make your home smell fantabulous. Since I have a real concern with anything that lists fragrances in its ingredients, I’d rather make a carpet freshener myself. That way, I know exactly what’s in it and I won’t worry about the health of my family or my pet. Carpet freshener is super easy to make normally (baking soda + essential oils), but I decided to take it a step further and incorporate some of the mint from my garden. Here’s how:

Simply layer baking soda and mint leaves in a jar, making sure to rub the leaves before you place them inside the jar in order to release the oils. On the last leaf, I dabbed a bit of sweet orange essential oil on it before putting it into the jar. The combination of citrus and mint is wonderful. If you don’t have essential oils, omit them. But please, don’t use fragrances other than essential oils or fresh vegetation. They could be harmful to the health of you and your family.

I put the jar in a dark cupboard and leave it there for a few days, shaking it a few times a day. I then put the mixture through a sifter in order to eliminate the leaves and any clumps. You can then put this in an empty shaker (parmesan cheese shakers work great!) or simply use a spoon. Sprinkle it very lightly on your carpet (make sure to check in a hidden corner first to assure that it does not stain or remove color….it’s never happened to me, but you never know!). Leave it on the carpet for 20 – 30 minutes and vacuum. The scent will not be overwhelming as it can be with commercial fresheners. It will leave a very light fresh scent, making your home smell fresh. As a bonus, mint oil is supposed to be a natural repellent for fleas. Win/Win!

Don’t stop there. Experiment with orange peels, lemon rind, grapefruit peels or any other scent you think you may like. The possibilities are endless!

About finefrugality

I am a wife, mother, business owner, farmer, foster parent, retired probation officer and so much more. :-) I love to save money any way I can. I just don’t see the sense in handing my cash over to someone else when I don’t have to. I coupon, I grow and can food, I reuse and repurpose items, I scour thrift stores and during the warmer months, my Saturday mornings consist of yard sales and our local farmer’s market with my husband. I have organized local meetings which include coupon swaps, barter clubs and swap meets. Here is where I begin to share this life with the rest of the world. This is Fine Frugality. Because being frugal is not only fine. It is FINE.
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17 Responses to Carpet Fresh – ER

  1. Little Sis says:

    Funny you should post this today, the very day that I sniffed and said “It’s really starting to smell like dog in here.” Thanks.

  2. Beth says:

    Always looking for ways to use my mint. Thanks!

  3. Love this idea! I have masses of mint growing wild and this natural product would be great as we have three indoor cats. As I don’t have any essential oils, I might try adding the orange peel along with the mint. Thanks!

  4. cooktocure says:

    Clever. You’re cute and smart! 😉 Will be doing this from now on…may try rose petals too. Cheers!

  5. twistnpout says:

    What a great Idea! I dont like the perfumy scented carpet fresheners. i’m gonna give this a try. Wish I had read this sooner. We just had all our carpeting replaced (it was new to begin with) with laminate in the main family room. Dogs have had a few accidents in there and though I used TONS of products, that smell always lingered eeewwwww. But I’ll keep this in mind for the area rugs.

  6. Pingback: FEATURE FRIDAY! Or, all the cool kids are doing it | Cozy Crooked Cottage

  7. Oooh baking soda! I’d like to try it with some flower petals from somewhere. 😀 Thank you!

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